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- Translation en Pascal pour Delphi par Patrick Chevalley le 10 novembre 1999.
- SATXY.DLL inclu les coefficients des satellites de Mars,Jupiter,Saturne et Uranus de 1997 α 2020.
- Exemple d'appel depuis Delphi :
- **********************************************************************************
- type double8 = array[1..8] of double;
- Pdouble8 = ^double8;
- Function Satxyfm(djc : double; ipla : integer; Pxx,Pyy : Pdouble8):integer; stdcall; external 'SATXY.DLL';
- var i,j : integer;
- xsat,ysat : double8;
- jde : double;
- begin
- jde:=2451494.0
- i:=satxyfm(jde,6,addr(xsat),addr(ysat));
- end;
- **********************************************************************************
- =========================== ============================
- /pub/ephem/satel/posxy/lowprec
- 1997, September
- =========================== ============================
- satel/posxy/lowprec
- Low precision ephemerides of the main planetary satellites:
- differential positions of the satellites of Mars,
- Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, given under the form of developments
- in mixed functions.
- AUTHORS : J.-E. Arlot, Ch. Ruatti, D.T. Vu and W. Thuillot
- ADDRESS : Bureau des Longitudes - URA 707
- 77 av. Denfert Rochereau, F-75014 PARIS
- Phone: (1) 40 51 22 67 / (1) 40 51 22 65
- Fax: (1) 46 33 28 34
- e-mail:arlot@bdl.fr, vu@bdl.fr, ruatti@bdl.fr, thuillot@bdl.fr
- CONTENTS: The files of this directory allow to compute the differential
- coordinates of the main natural satellites with a precision of
- 0.5 arcsec for the period 1997-2020.
- Beware: The files of this subdirectory have to be used
- following the explanations given in the directory posxy,
- see it for further explanations.
- seqdir.f : This Fortran code source has to be compiled in order to allow
- you to convert the ascii sequential files mars.xxxx, jupiter.xxxx,
- saturne.xxxx, uranus.xxxx (where xxxx is the year)
- into direct access files to be used by ephang.
- diffpos.f : This Fortran program code source has to be compiled in order to
- allow you to compute the differential coordinates of the
- satellites by using the direct access files.
- mars.xxxx | sequential files of coefficients for the year xxxx
- jupiter.xxxx | (between 1997 and 2020)
- saturne.xxxx |
- uranus.xxxx |
- ================================================================================
- User feed-back is encouraged. Unless otherwise specified, send comments and bug
- reports to: E-mail : comments@bdl.fr
- Fax : (33) 1 46 33 28 34
- Postal mail: Bureau des longitudes
- 77 avenue Denfert Rochereau
- F-75014 PARIS
- ================================================================================